Psychological influences on consumer behaviour pdf

Pdf psychological and social factors that influence. Subfields of psychology tend to focus on one influence or behavior. Perhaps the most obvious effect is the level of disposable income of each social class. Consumer behaviour and factors influencing buyer behavior. The psychological factors are the factors that talk about the psychology of an individual that drive his actions to seek satisfaction. Cultural, social, personal and psychological factors have great influence on consumer buyer behaviour. This paper is an attempt to analyze the consumer buying behaviour of durables, to examine the factors inducing the consumer buying behaviour. Studying consumer behavior includes the study of what, how, and why people are buying khajeh nasiri, 87. The influence of cultural factors on consumer buying behaviour and an application in turkey. Consumer psychology is a specialty area that studies how our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and perceptions influence how we buy and relate to goods and services. Marketing efforts therefore also emphasize on consumers consumption of services, ideas and activities.

As the change comes in these factors, consumer behaviour also changes. Electronic commerce has determined great changes in consumer behavior, changes caused mainly by the modification of factors that influence online consumer behavior. Ivan pavlov, a famous psychologist, devised this consumer behaviour. Consumer behaviour jane priest is a teaching fellow at edinburgh business school and teaches parts of the oncampus marketing course, as well as the consumer behaviour elective by distance learning. Generally, the rich have the ability to purchase more consumer goods than those with less income, and those goods are of higher quality. Fatimah furaij, malgorzata latuszynska, agata wawrzyniak, 2012. Factors affecting consumers buying decision in the selection. This in turn leads to psychodynamic processes that affect or influence their personality traits.

Consumer behavior includes a series of mental and physical processes that continues through before and after purchase. Consumer behaviour, buying behaviour abstract addressesone ofthefundamental issuesofemarketing. For example, aggressive marketing of high fat foods, or. Conflicts in consumer behavior motivation bizfluent. Social factors affecting consumer behaviour consumer behaviour is an effort to study and understand the buying tendencies of consumers for their end use. The consumer behaviour or buyer behaviour is influenced by seve ral factors or forces. The impact of social factors affecting consumer behaviour. Some internal psychological factors influencing consumer choice. Like any human behaviour, consumer behaviour is seen as determined and conditioned by the effect of certain factors. Consumer behaviour deals with the study of buying behaviour of consumers. The sellers market has disappeared and buyers market has come up.

The present paper focuses on major factors influencing consumer buying behavior. Many factors, specificities and characteristics influence the individual in what he is and the consumer in his decision making process, shopping habits, purchasing behavior, the brands he buys or the retailers he goes. The domain of behavior and experience surely includes consumers decisions regarding products and their perceptions of and feelings toward. Energizing force that stimulates behavior to satisfy a need. What our family members, classmates, immediate relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances think or do can play a significant role in our decisions. Nancy went to a nearby restaurant and ordered pizza for herself. The three known psychological factors are personality traits, psychodynamic processes and learned cognition.

Pdf the impact of psychological influences on consumer buying. Recognize t he various principles of psychology, sociology, and social psychology that are if value in explaining consumer behavior. Needs at the bottom of the pyramid are basic physical requirements including the need for food, water, sleep, and warmth. Family is a social group and it can be considered the cornerstone of consumers so. The manner in which consumer buys a product is extremely important to marketers. That definitely brings an element of interdisciplinarity in the study. Motivation, perception, learning, and attitude or belief system. Analyses the factors affecting the online consumer s behavior. Until company satisfy the needs and wants of consumer. Investigating the psychological impact of colors on process. Consumer such as social, cultural, personal and psychological. Firms and organizations rely on consumer behaviour knowledge to forecast consumer needs and desires. How do psychological factors play a role in consumer behaviour. Consumer s buyer behaviour is influenced by four major factors.

The consumer perception towards a particular product and the brand also influences his buying decision. The impact of psychological factors on consumer buying behavior. This study aimed to determine factors of consumer behavior that affect to. Consumer behavior involves services and ideas as well as tangible products. The study concluded that psychological influences have an impact on consumer purchasing behaviour of smes products in zimbabwe. Introductuon like any human behaviour, consumer behaviour is seen as determined and conditioned by the effect of certain factors.

Answer she was feeling hungry and wanted to eat something. Social factors play an essential role in influencing the buying decisions of consumers. Pdf in this study, the influence of psychological factors on consumer buying behavior is investigated. Factors influencing consumer behavior of smartphone users. Psychological factors psychological factors include. Among the many factors that play a key role in virtual consumer behavior. The study gives a comprehensive understanding of influence of cultural, social, personal and psychological factors on buying behavior.

Buying behaviour, this papers aim is to provide an indepth elucidation of the many aspects that influence consumer behaviour. Social factors, personal factors, psychological factors. Psychological influences on consumer behaviour free download as powerpoint presentation. Consumer behaviour refers to the behaviour of consumers in deciding to buy or not to. How psychological factors affects consumer behaviour. Factors influencing consumer behaviour from the viewpoint of the marketing strategist, the mix of cultural, social, personal and psychological factors which influence behaviour are largely noncontrollable. The internal influences that have effect on consumer behaviour consist of an. Following are the factors which affect consumer behaviour. The importance of understanding the role of social influence, how others affect our emotions, opinions, or behaviors, in consumption has a long and varied history in the fields of sociology, psychology. A consumers beliefs and attitudes greatly influence the buying decisions that consumer makes.

The influence of cultural factors on consumer buying. A conceptual frame work introduction consumer behaviour is a subset of human behaviour. In this research, the researcher is also interested to find out how social and personal fac tors especially affect the buyer behavior. The factors are influences significant enough by their force, becoming the reasons for the activity. It is very well explained by maslow through his need hierarchy theory comprising of basic needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs and selfactualization needs.

Psychological impact of colors on the process of consumer shopping behavior has been scrutinized in this article. A consumer is someone who pays a sum to consume the goods and services sold by an organization. The field of consumer behaviour is the broad study of individuals, groups or organisations and the process they use to select secure and dispose of products, services, experiences or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. And the other purpose of this research is to gain the more knowledge about consumer behavior and improve the writing and thinking ability. The study of consumer behaviour emphasizes the why. In this process the consumer starts with recognizing the need of the product, and then finds a way or a medium of solving these needs, makes purchase decisions like planning whether he should buy or not buy a certain product, and then he confirms the information, jots down a plan and then. Factors influencing consumer behaviour top 9 factors with suitable examples. The impact of social factors affecting consumer behaviour on. The personality of a person, as misunderstood by many, is not just determined by his physical appearance alone. Socio cultural factors in consumer decision processes. A study on factors influencing on consumers buying behaviour. Psychological factors refer to thoughts, feelings and other cognitive characteristics that affect the attitude, behavior and functions of the human mind.

Abstract nowadays, consumer behaviouris influenced not only by consumer personalities and motivations, but also by the relationships within families. Factors influencing consumer behavior and prospective. Social influences on the consumer decision process. She is a key member of a team exploring how technology can be used to enhance the student learning experience. The internal influences that have effect on consumer behaviour consist of an individuals perception, learning, memory, motives, personality, emotions and attitudes. Psychological factors that influence consumer buying behavior. Various psychological factors influencing individual behavior are briefly explained as follows. The nine main factors influencing consumer behaviour are 1. Pdf the impact of psychological factors on consumer. Ten consumer behaviour models short notes bbamantra. Feb 12, 2012 presents mathematical models of human behaviour 1957.

As people progress up the pyramid, needs become increasingly psychological and social. Human beings learn cognition through their day to day interaction. Human wants, perceptions, values, and behaviour are learned from society, family other institutions. Consumer behaviour jane priest is a teaching fellow at edinburgh business school and teaches parts of the on campus marketing course, as well as the consumer behaviour elective by distance learning. Psychological factors and the issue of motivation of consumer behavior. Apr 01, 2009 psychological influences on consumer behavior slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Consumer behaviour the consumer, the king of the market is the one that dominates the market and the market trends.

Abstract due to various influencing factors to lowincome consumers in the market place we have taken only veblenian socio psychological factors. Consumer behaviour is a physiological process it is all related to the emotions of the consumer. Psychological factors influencing consumer behaviour instructor janne peltoniemi pages 46 supervisor birgitta niemi learning, and attitude and behaviour change. There are four psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour. The importance of understanding the role of social influence, how others affect our emotions, opinions, or behaviors, in consumption has a long and varied history in the fields of sociology, psychology, and marketing. Chapter 6 class notes contents of chapter 6 class notes. Social class can have a profound effect on consumer spending habits. Marketing evolved through production concept to marketing concept. Rani 2014, identifies cultural, social, personal and psychological factors as the four major influences on consumer s buying behaviour, adding that these factors. In the above example, hunger was the motivating factor for nancy to. A consumer buying behavior is influenced by social, cultural, personal and psychological factors. Psychological factors influencing consumer behavior.

The impact of consumer behavior on society is also of relevance. The factors are causal phenomena possessing an impact force capable of changing consumer behaviour, 1992. An understanding of consumer behaviour is essential in planning and programming the marketing system. Nov 26, 2019 peer pressure also influences consumer behavior. The study included secondary data collected from different sources such as journals, books, magazines etc.

Beliefs are the way people think about a particular product or brand, while an attitude is the individuals. Consumer behaviour in a general sense can be considered to be everything, as every aspect of our lives revolves around the consumption of goods and services. Thus models of buyer behaviour are generally based on certain factors internal to the consumer e. In this study, the influence of psychological factors on consum er buying behavior is investigated. In other words, consumer behavior is the study of how consumers will make their buying decision and what those factors which support or influence. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website.

Consumer behavior in marketing patterns, types, segmentation. Abstract due to various influencing factors to lowincome consumers in the market place we have taken only veblenian socio psychological factors culture, subculture, social class, reference group. Additionally, it classifies the factors in different categories. Procedia social and behavioral sciences 62 2012 184 a 188 18770428 2012 published by elsevier ltd. Psychological factors lead to the dynamism of the human mind and their. So, influence of cultural, social, personal and psychological factors on buying behavior will give marketers a clear understanding of behaviour patterns. The purpose of the research is how the factors of consumer behavior affect or influences the branded product. Consumer behavior refers to the selection, purchase and consumption of goods and services for the. Psychological influences on consumer behaviour consumer. Factors influencing buying behaviour of consumers consumer behaviour doesnt remain the same or constant in every situation it changes time to time. Psychological factors influencing individual behavior. Choosing fast food over homecooked meals, for example, is just one of such situations. The level of motivation influences the buying behavior of the consumers. Marketing implications of consumer behaviour study of consumer behaviour modelling an overview consumer behaviour is comparatively a new field of study which evolved just after the second world war.

And marketing concept is nothing but consumer oriented approach. Being acquainted with psychological impact of colors. Consumer behaviour models have been developed to substantiate the various factors that influence consumer behavior and their decision making process. Psychological influences on consumer behavior husson. Family, reference groups and social classes are all social influences on consumer behavior. Consumers buyer behaviour is influenced by four major factors. Which include the consumers mood or the amount of cash on hand. These factors can influence how a person thinks and later affect his decisions and relations in his daily life.

Awareness, environment and actions are important to understand, because they are the foundation of influence and conflict in consumer behavior. Situational and dispositional influences on behavior. The psychology behind consumer behavior verywell mind. Once these lowerlevel needs have been met, people can move on to the next level of needs, which are for safety and security. A study on factors influencing on consumers buying. A consumer s beliefs and attitudes greatly influence the buying decisions that consumer makes. Examine the many factors that influence consumer behavior. Psychological and social factors that influence online. There are various factors which affects consumer behaviour.

In making a final decision, and indeed throughout the whole decisionmaking process, consumers are influenced by a wide range of factors, not just those relating to the obvious features of the product. Buying behaviour, consumer psychology, marketing strategy. Usually, the basic needs and the security needs are more pressing needs than the other and hence, these needs become a motive that directs the consumer behavior to seek satisfaction. These factors cause consumers to develop product and brand preferences. The first section covers influences on consumer behaviour based on theoretical models and the meaning of segmentation the ways a potential market is divided into distinctive groups of consumers. So, the marketer has to examine all these factors also along with other variables for studying the consumer behaviour. Let us understand the effect of psychological factors on consumer behaviour. Pdf the impact of psychological factors on consumer buying. Each consumer s decision can be influenced by his awareness of a brand, his immediate environment or his actions with relation to the product. To attract customer, color is considered to be a crucial factor. Social influence and consumer behavior spring 20 curator. Beliefs are the way people think about a particular product or brand, while an attitude is the individuals consistently favorable or unfavorable evaluation, tendency or feeling about a product or brand.

What are the factors influencing consumer behavior. Consumer behavior can be defined as the study of psychological, physical and social actions when individuals buy, use and dispose of products, services, ideas, and practices. Understanding how to motivate your customer is a powerful tool. Motivation speaks to the internal needs of the consumer.